Schedule Your Evaluation (406) 414-5037
Most insurances accepted, including medicare
Office hours: M-Th 8am-5pm, Fr 8am-4pm
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Healthy Legs...For Life
If you have varicose veins you may know the symptoms; aching, tiredness, and a heavy feeling in your legs. Itching may occur in the lower legs or in the distribution of visible veins.
Swelling can occur at the ankles. Compression stockings provide relief by improving the blood flow in your legs. They do this by placing external pressure on the veins in your legs encouraging the blood to move up your legs.
While compression stockings provide relief they are not a cure for varicose veins. Their primary benefit is to help your legs feel less sore and they can slow down the progression of venous disease. For those lucky enough not to have symptoms of varicose veins we believe a lighter compression stocking, such as a 15-20 mmHg, can still be very beneficial.
There are many colors, fabrics, styles and price ranges available locally and online. By wearing compression stockings, exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy weight you can go a long way in preventing varicose veins and maintaining healthy legs.

A few brans we recommend:
Vim&Vigr, Medivein, Juzo, Sockwell, Jobst
The sooner you can get into a pair of compression
stockings the better your legs will feel!
Compression Stockings and “Conservative Treatment”
All insurance companies require a patient to try what is called “conservative treatment” or “non-surgical treatment” prior to approving or paying for treatment for venous insufficiency. Dr. Grace and
his staff will document the information needed for pre-determination and send this to your insurance company.
Insurance companies consider “conservative treatment” to be:
Use of 20/30 mmHg or higher compression stockings, usually for a period of 6-12 weeks. (Varies by insurance)
It MAY also require the following:
Use of over the counter type pain relievers to help alleviate leg discomfort.
Elevation of your legs when able.
Maintaining a healthy weight.